1036total visits.
Тatiana V. Portnova
The Kosygin State University of Russia, 33, bld. 1 Sadovnicheskaya str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
This article addresses the challenges of iconography and historiography related to the “Ballets Russes” by Sergei Diaghilev. The modern understanding of the role of material sources is quite important, as sometimes these sources are the only available information about Diaghilev’s ballets. Furthermore, despite the growing interest in such materials, these sources remain a significant phenomenon that does not always meet the expectations of contemporary art critics. The paper highlights the role of the Ballets Russes by Diaghilev in creating the conditions for the emergence of a unique professional and artistic experience in Russia and abroad. Based on a profound and skillful reinterpretation of foreign practices related to international theater tours, it is emphasized that Russia has developed design technologies of a high level, established the foundations of artistic and organizational approaches, which are now considered international standards. The formation of specific knowledge and the study of design strategy dialectics in the twentieth century indicate an increasing importance of historical context. Semiotic choreographic images created during the tour of the Russian ballet by Diaghilev have become iconic for global culture.
Keywords: Russian seasons, Tours, Historiography, Iconography, Semiotics, Performances.