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Amalia Nurma Dewi
Department of Library Science, Faculty of Letters, Malang State University, Indonesia. E-mail: amalia.nurma.fs@um.ac.in

Bent Sørensen Independent scholar, Aalborg, Denmark E-mail: bennometaphor@gmail.com

DOI 10.33234/SSR.18.1

Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) are of utmost importance for students to succeed in school/educational institutions and to prepare them for the labour market as well as for contemporary life in general. We argue for how metaphor is relevant for higher-order thinking skills in general and (knowledge) transfer, critical thinking and problem-solving in particular – because metaphor is a central matter of thought influencing perception, thinking and action. A focus by teachers and students on the cognitive potentials of metaphor, can enhance the students higher-order thinking skills and learning.